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Dijon, France


Professor of Surgery


Completed his training as a resident in Digestive Surgery in Madrid (Spain), Paris (France), Rochester (Minnesota) and Baltimore (Maryland) between 1998 and 2003.
Followed a fellowship in Digestive & Thoracic Surgical Oncology in Dijon (2004-2008),
Become Professor of Surgery at the University of Burgundy in 2011.
After 15 years with a special focus on digestive surgical oncology (namely peritoneal carcinomatosis), switched to manage more a more cases of complex abdominal-wall repair. This is now his main surgical activity.
President of the Scientific Board of the SFCP-CH (Société Française de Chirurgie de la Paroi - Club Hernie) and is involved in teaching and research in this field of Surgery.
Published around 200 scientific articles and chapters of books. He is also the Director of a Master on Medical Humanities targeting medical students.